Unspoken - A short film by Likeminded Productions
© 2018 Andrew Smith
Likeminded Productions' latest project has been announced. The short film titled ‘Unspoken’ deals with the ever-present issue in society of Cyberbullying and the effect it has on young people.
The short film’s screenplay is written by Christopher Woodward, and will be directed by Andrew Smith.
This isn’t the first link of the creative pair, with Andrew getting involved in the company’s first production, ‘The Man with no Identity.’
After being asked to take some photographs of the rehearsals and first performance of ‘The Man with no Identity’, Andrew’s involvement in production continued from then, going on to build a website, film promos and build the social media presence of the company.
Andrew is taking a leap into something new. Alongside being involved with Faiths Monologue and King and Country, both of which are also Likeminded projects, he is set to launch ‘Stratarc Design Works.’ The business will be launching this spring.
Also involved in the project is local poet Sinéad Cooper, who’s poem will be incorporated into the project.
Whilst there are many projects ongoing at Likeminded, this topic is one that is as relevant now as it has ever been, if not more.
The topic of cyberbullying has become increasingly prominent in recent years within the media, due to the increasing popularity of social media with young people. The number of young people who attempt to take their own lives rises each year with around 4,400 resulting in deaths and hundreds more attempts, directly as a result of cyberbullying.
These shocking statistics have reached the powers of the royal family with Prince William speaking about the topic and taking it into his own hands by launching the Stop, Speak Support to keep young people safe online. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/42008249
Unspoken is to be delivered as a short film, rather than a written piece as it delivers a stronger presence about the topic, which would not be able to get across to the audience as written word.
It’s not long to go until Unspoken goes into production, so look out for the short film when it is released this year.
We are Likeminded
Words by Megan Kay
Pictures & Design by Andrew Smith
Video by Stop Speak Support