Likeminded Productions

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Season 2, Episode 6 Preview - Likeminded Podcast

We can't believe we are on episode six - Time flies when you're having fun. The guests we've had so far for Season Two have been fantastic and we can't thank them enough for opening up and sharing their experiences with our listeners. We have many talented creatives here in Liverpool and we are made up that we have a platform to showcase these lovely people. We hope you are enjoying the podcast and getting something out of it. I certainly have been. Like I've said countless times, in each episode we do, I'm inspired and pushed to think outside the box. Thinking of new ways to bring our upcoming projects we have planned in an engaging way, just like our guests for the next episode who have mastered it. The team welcome artistic directors Nicole Behan and Hayley Greggs of Paperwork Theatre for Episode Six.

It was incredible to have Paperwork Theatre join the team for this fantastic episode. The great thing about this theatre company is that they love helping other artists, theatre companies, and their door is always open to anyone. I haven't come across a theatre company with so many projects going on, from small projects to big, within the community. They speak about all these fantastic projects; Stanley Park 150, women acting groups, write for stage, creative tool kits, and not forgetting the tremendous Teacup commission, which helps local artists win £200 towards their project. Check out their website for more information on these fantastic projects. They are always working, which is excellent even throughout the pandemic; they've kept going like many of our creative friends have.

Nicole and Hayley hold a lot of knowledge and experience within theatre. For me, Paperwork Theatre is an essential part of the theatre scene. They encourage the new generation of theatre-makers and gives them the help that was so dormant to us when we started our creative journey years ago. It's just great to see how they've continued to grow their theatre company. I came across this fantastic company back in 2018 when they were showcasing Typhoon and the Pedal Players, which intrigued me to find out more about them. These creatives are an excellent example of great networking and collaboration, which inspired us to do more of and, with that, it was the best thing we have done. The help and support we have had in the past year has been unbelievable and made us better by learning from other creatives.

They love to help and share their knowledge with anyone who is keen to learn. After these restrictions are over, I'm very eager to learn from this fantastic company and hopefully incorporate their ideas into our body of work and one day collaborate on a joint project together. I will very much be looking on their ever-growing progress within theatre and they have all our support here at Likeminded. Please check this episode this Sunday; it's a fantastic episode packed with everything that you want out of a Likeminded Podcast. It covers everything, and make sure to follow Paperwork Theatre on social media to keep up to date on this dynamic theatre company.

Words by Christopher Woodward
Images by Andrew Smith