Likeminded Productions

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"Who's Afraid of M!key Garland?" Is Back!

Coming off a successful run  at The Hope Street Theatre in February  with  one reviewer saying "It is raw, powerful, unashamedly queer, and hopeful —a remarkable performance from Garland." ArtsGroupie is bringing back the powerful and emotionally charged one-man show, rapper M!key Garland takes the stage to share his personal journey of homelessness, challenging societal stereotypes, and shedding light on the class divide in the UK. Titled "Who's Afraid of M!key Garland?" this raw and unapologetically queer production, presented by ArtsGroupie, weaves a mesmerizing blend of rap, verbatim, and heartfelt storytelling, bringing hope and a compelling message of community support.

Mikey’s performance will be powerful, as he bares his soul and experiences through a collection of critically acclaimed songs from his album. The vivid picture he paints on stage delves deep into themes of abuse, addiction, mental health, and the broken systems that perpetuate these issues. As the audience is drawn into the dark canvas of his life, Garland's words and gripping statistics demand attention, fostering a sense of solidarity among those present.

ArtsGroupie, recognized the immense talent and potential of M!key Garland, who has been involved in the performing arts for over 17 years. However, like many working-class artists, he faced the daunting challenge of finding opportunities and financial support for his creative work. Garland emphasizes that artists from similar backgrounds often lack the resources to fund their projects, making it difficult for them to share their voices and stories with the world.

With immense gratitude, Garland acknowledges the support he received from Arts Council England National Lottery Grants and ArtsGroupie CIC, his record label, for providing him with the opportunity to bring "Who's Afraid of M!key Garland?" to life. Through this production, Garland seeks to shed light on the ongoing humanitarian crisis within the UK, drawing attention to the urgent need for action to save lives.

"This show is not about victimhood or garnering sympathy for me," Garland passionately asserts. Instead, he aims to bring attention to the pressing issues faced by those experiencing homelessness and the harsh realities of life within so-called "shelters." Moreover, he bravely tackles the impact of domestic policies and austerity measures that exacerbate these issues, leaving vulnerable individuals without the support and care they need.

"Who's Afraid of M!key Garland?" is more than just a performance; it's a call to action. Garland's storytelling and music serve as a powerful vehicle to raise awareness and inspire change. The show challenges the audience to confront uncomfortable truths and consider the collective responsibility to address the class divide and systemic issues in society.

If you haven't yet experienced "Who's Afraid of M!key Garland?", it's time to take a step into this raw, emotional, and transformative journey that promises to leave you with a newfound understanding and a renewed commitment to making a difference in the world.

Admin: Sam Matthews.

Edited by: Meg Kay