Kristallnacht: Our biggest promo yet!

In August, we released our plans for our upcoming production, Kristallnacht. As we get ready for our biggest promotional campaign, we are looking forward to taking you on a journey like never before and we can’t wait to start. No hype here, just good old fashioned hard work and dedication. We want to give the story justice, not a half-arsed effort. It’s great to have new writers on board for the promotion for this production such as our newest member of the team, Liz Redwood.

We are putting so much energy into the promotional campaign for this particular project, while Caitlin, Bob and Andrew have been working very hard on the podcast which they’ve done a exceptional job with just over 600 subscribers and a lot of traffic coming to our site since the launch in September. To that end, we now have another platform to use as a way of promoting this powerful project. 

The sensitivity of the subject has brought on a lot of pressure to do it right and a lot of research on my end, which has been very hard but rewarding. We know this project needs to be handled with respect. We feel moving forward as a production company that we want to bring stories like Kristallnacht to life like never before. A body of work that actually means something, that you can take away and learn from. A play that will last for years to come. We want to create plays/projects that will encourage debates with family and friends afterwards.

From when we put on our first show  in 2017, we’ve always zoned in on the promotion, marketing and branding of a production. For me, this is the most important part because without an audience, what have you got? Plus, It’s not fair on the actors to perform in front of a handful of people after they’ve worked their arses off in a rehearsal room for 12 weeks. Don’t get me wrong, obviously the whole production is important such as the quality of work, the acting, writing, directing etc but it works both ways. With more empty seats than is full, how will you grow and know what works and what doesn’t.

That is what audiences are there for, to tell you the harsh truth. It helps us to improve and the more people we have seeing our show, the better it is to know if the show was good or shit. That’s why we put so much effort into our promotion, marketing and branding. We aim to sell out all the time but please don’t think if you have a sell out show, it’s a success.  We put reasonable costs on our tickets because we as a production company are still growing and learning from everything we have done so far.  We don’t claim we are anything but four creatives enjoying and learning as our journey continues. We’ve been lucky to have fellow creatives and audiences across the north west come to our shows to give us honest feedback that has massively improved our work moving forward.

I believe we have something powerful with Kristallnacht which we know needs to be done right. Not only the show, but within the promotional campaign. We want you, the audience to really understand what happened on the night of Kristallnacht and the lead up to the horrendous events. We want you to be emotionally involved from start to finish. We are looking to bringing the promotion to life early next year once it’s safe to do so. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and investing in our journey. Keep safe. Wash your hands.

Words by Christopher Woodward
Image by Joe Harper