Ticket Protection

Ticket Protection


For just a fraction of the cost of your tickets, our Ticket Protection allows you to get 100% of your order cost back including the Booking Fee (excluding the ticket protection fee)

What Ticket Protection covers you for:

  • unexpected disruption of the public transport network resulting in delay, cancellation, mechanical breakdown or accident in relation to the public transport network

  • Cancellation of the show.

  • the death, accident, or illness happening to you, a member of your immediate family or any person(s) in the group due to attend the booked event with you

  • the mechanical breakdown, accident, fire or theft en route of a private vehicle taking you to the booked event

  • jury service of which you had not received notice at the time of the booking

  • burglary or fire at your residence in the 48 hours immediately before the booked event.

  • you being summoned to appear in court proceedings as a witness of which you had not received notice at the time of booking

  • you being a member of the armed forces and being posted abroad and/or having leave withdrawn unexpectedly

  • adverse weather where the Met Office have issued a red weather warning or where the Police service or other Government agency have issued a specific warning not to travel

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