DEUX WINNER: Paint Stripper

DEUX WINNER: Paint Stripper

from £6.50

12th April, 7:30pm Studio Three, Arts Bar Hope St.

Join us for a rehearsed reading of Paint Stripper, a powerful and provocative play by Rachel Louise Clark, directed by Margaret Connell. This is the full-length version of the extract that was a joint winner at Deux Festival.

Post-Reading Panel & Feedback

Following the reading, there will be a panel discussion and an opportunity to share your thoughts via a feedback form.

Don’t miss this chance to engage with new writing and be part of the creative process!

Chantelle is in her prime, and being in her 50s means she's one of the more experienced exotic dancers at Dreamers. She's ready to hang up her dancing shoes and pick up the paintbrushes, but with crippling care home fees for her mum, she's forced to do both.

Sarah's not the loudest in the room; sometimes, she feels like she doesn't have a voice at all. She used to have a thriving career and life of her own, but since she's been married, she feels like she's gone back to the 1950s.

Chantelle and Sarah are worlds apart but this unlikely friendship might be just the thing they both need.

Paint Stripper is a celebration of the strength and spirit of womanhood. There'll be laughter, there'll be tears, and even a trip to Dreamers.

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